Social Media and Campaign Design

Two things that focus on targeting a specific audience and creating unique and engaging content for that audience. Scroll to view social media campaigns for Bons Secour Wellness Arena and Rocktoberest.

Rocktoberlest, an MIS Fundraiser, took place at Craftt and Draft in Irmo, SC. Music industry students had less than a month to carefully plan, market, and host the event. In my role as marketing director, I was responsible for crafting all visual elements, such as merchandise, on-site signage, and advertisements. Ultimatelv, our collective elforts raised an impressive S4,000 for the academic program.

As a Bon Secours Wellness Arena Marketing and Content Intern, I helped the venue plan and market its 25th-anniversary campaign. They wanted to modernize their branding for the short campaign and show more of the fan experience. BSWA wanted to connect further with the Greenville community and become more trendy in the area. I created all of the surrounding visuals based off of those goals and audience.